This is a new one for me. My orange juice may have some coconut in it? Why? How? When did this happen and is it a new cross contamination or just newly labeled? Anyway, this is the generic Walmart "Great Value" OJ. I'm not a big OJ drinker, but we have it in our house nonetheless. Look out, super coconut-sensitive people. But, hey, it's gluten free ::giggles::.

hm...I have some of this...and also some cool whip, hot cocoa, granola bars and coffee creamer that will all be hitting the trash in the morning thanks to finding your blog. I discovered that I was allergic to coconut only a few years ago and have had terrible support on finding products so I am so excited to read your blog as I discover ways to not break out in hives on a daily basis!! Thanks for sharing your experiences.
I would just like to say thankyou, I have had a coconut allergy since my daughter was born 20years ago, i have been avoiding it quite well for years, only because i eat the same foods all the time, i have begun to lose weight so my diet had changed, i started to use one cal oil spray and i have had 5 attacks in one week, the ingredient is tocopherol a extract from coconut, i also was given zenical by the doctor it removes fat from your body this has sodium lauryl sulphate in, so i have had a real bad time losing weight, but i wont give up, thankyou for bringing this to my attention px
I just stumbled upon your blog and I have to say thank you. People dont believe that i'm allergic to coconut because like you I dont react to everything. Knowing that i'm not alone helps alot.
I had a reaction to orange juice and it was not listed in the ingredients. I had thought maybe it was used in the making of the carton. Seeing tocopherol mentioned and that's one derivite I wasn't aware so that could've been it aswell.
They probably make a frozen piña colada mix in the same factory... thus cross-contamination. Lovely. My kid is allergic to corn and egg and I'm allergic to coconut. My better half is lactose intolerant. We are just having too much fun in this house for words!
Yeah, all the stuff that coconut is in STINKS! For those that are also palm sensitive, another name that palm/coconut hides under is carnauba wax - which is in sooo many candies, fruit snacks, sprinkles, cosmetics, etc. Finding this one was the breakthrough for my daughter, though. She is anaphylactic to palm, coconut, dairy, shellfish, mollusks, sunflower, safflower, chamomile, and recently almonds... and is allergic to peanuts, soy, honey (sunflower family in the pollen), wheat, sesame, and is celiac. I do think the palm/coconut is one of the hardest of all of these... :(
Also, I know this is an old post, I had a reaction to "O Organics" Kamboucha this is a Safeway brand. I looked at the back and saw that is said "May contain traces of tree nuts (COCONUT)" under the ingredients. I didn't read this because I had had Komboucha before and didn't have a reaction...it was a different brand though, I should have checked. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
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